Paint My Pixels
"A Collaborative Online Art Experiment"
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Monday, April 30, 2007

"A Creative Challenge"

What is "creativity"? According to the dictionary, it is defined as:
The ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.;
...originality, progressiveness, or imagination.

Ok, so if that's the case, how's your ability to "transcend traditional ideas"? What about your imagination? Are you eager to try your hand at something creative and new? If so, then I have a challenge for you....

Show me your creativity, and I'll show you mine.

As a professional artist, I'm all about creativity. I look at the world around me, and focus on the details. I see the opportunity. I see the ideas. And I try to find ways to make those things enjoyable and attractive to others.

To that end, I welcome you to the Paint My Pixels Project -- a collaborative online art experiment that challenges each participant to explore their creativity, using their negotiation, imagination, and small blocks of colored pixels.

The idea is simple:


Challenge anyone to think outside of the box, and use their negotiation skills to compete for participation in the project. Encourage them to think of creative items to trade in order to gain the right to add to the painting. The more creative, thoughtful, or valuable that trade may be, the more that person is allowed to paint. Anything can be traded -- anything whatsoever -- but it must reflect something of value to the individual, myself, or the project.

Some ideas might include:
  • A hand-written postcard mailed from wherever you live
  • A coupon to your online store or business
  • A personalized thank-you note
  • A piece of art created by you
  • A t-shirt you designed

You show me your creativity, and I'll let you be part of mine!

The most creative items will be featured right here on the project weblog, and the person who made the trade, will be also added to a list of the Top Ten Most Creative Artists. At the end of each digital painting, one of those top ten artist will be selected to recieve a free full-scale custom work of art created by me.


After you've made your trade offer and it's been recieved, you'll be able to start adding to the painting. There are 140 colors to choose from on the available color palette, and each color is added to the canvas in small squares. Your squares -- wherever you place them on the canvas -- combine with those already there to create the collaborative painting.

As many as 5200 people from around the world can participate in each painting.

And, to make the experiment all the more personal, each participant is invited to sign their additions to the canvas (like any artist signs their work), and provide a link to their own website if they so choose. In the end, not only will a new painting be created, but also a time capsule of everyone who participated.

And, Finally:

When the entire experiment is complete, I will paint an acrylic composition based entirely upon the final design, and auction it off to one lucky art collector. The auction will be open to everyone, and when one round of paintings is complete, another one can begin all over again. The process will continue for as long as there is interest.

I challenge you. Show me your creativity, and I'll show you mine!

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  • April 2007
  • May 2007

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